Sacrament Times:
New to Campus?
Are you fresh out of high school? Maybe a transfer student from another campus? Whether you are new to York or have been around for a while, we hope we can connect soon!
Looking For Home?
Over the years many students have found the size of York University to be daunting and feel far away from home. We have supported thousands of young adults find their home away from home at the Catholic Chaplaincy at York.
Finding Healthy Community
There is almost nothing more important than healthy community when you go to campus for your first time. There can be many false lifestyles that are full of lies, temptations, and (yes) even evil. York Catholics hope to protect you while you ride through the storm that can be university.
Growing In Relationship With God
Every person on earth is looking for the purpose and meaning of life. Unfortunately many never find it. The Catholic Church makes the audacious claim that in Jesus of Nazareth we discover the Son of God, and through Him have access to the Holy Spirit who desires to bring all to God the Father.
Today’s students.
Tomorrow’s leaders.
Every student who comes to York University has the challenge of creating their future. There are many directions we can go in life, but not all are equally good. The Church teaches us the right path using the timeless wisdom of God based in Scripture, the Apostolic Tradition, and the Magisterium of the Bishops in union with the Pope. CCY uses all of these tools to create the leaders of the future.

Annual Report
Dedicated to transformation.
York University’s Keele Campus is the largest single campus in Canada. York University also boasts of Canada’s second largest full time student population.
The need to tell everyone about salvation is ever-present and ever-pressing. Every day we hear Jesus calling out saying, “come and see that the Lord is good.”