The International Dilemma

International students make up 1/5th of York University’s population. That is about 10-11,000 global students!


A Global School
At York University you will find people from every part of the world.


The world is truly global, and the Church is truly global. With that comes Catholic international students. Many Catholic students end up at York University, one of the major hubs for international students in Canada.

To find a home away from home is not always easy, but at the Catholic Chaplaincy at York we hope to provide a safe place with familiar customs. Whether it is Asian, African or Latin American students, we have many people from all over the world who make their home away from home the Catholic Chaplaincy at York.

1/5 or 11,000 students at York are from outside of Canada, and hundreds and hundreds of them come from Catholic families and cultures that desire to find friends (and sometimes family) at the Chaplaincy.

CCY is building special events and programming for many students who come to York. We have had Korean and Chinese clubs affiliated with us and we hope to have more in the future, so please sign-up for weekly updates.