The Catholic Chaplaincy offers opportunities to volunteer and serve the community throughout the year.
“And the king will answer them, ‘Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did it to me.’”
- Matthew 25:40
St. Francis Table
St. Francis Table is a restaurant for the poor. Patrons are asked to pay $1 for their meal to retain their sense of dignity. St. Francis Table not only offers meals, but an opportunity for community, advocacy, and friendship. It is more than just a soup kitchen.
The Catholic Chaplaincy at York gathers about 12-13 people every last Wednesday of the month to come down and volunteer from 4:30-6:00pm. Many students have found this opportunity very edifying for their faith and has helped them grow in charity towards the poor.
Every second week of the Fall and Winter semester, the Catholic Chaplaincy at York sets out their table in the bustling intersection of Central Square to advertise and evangelize.
Whether you want to lead faithful conversations, fill bags of popcorn, sweep the ground of that same popcorn, or work in the back praying for the effort, we have a role for you to participate in our mission of gathering people to Christ.