
We have many faith-based events at the Catholic Chaplaincy at York where you can surrender everything to the Lord and rest in his presence.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.”

- Matthew 11:28



The Catholic Chaplaincy holds one weekend retreat every semester. Retreats are a great way to get away from the busyness of daily life and spend some time in a peaceful setting and immerse yourself in prayer and some quiet time with God. 

They include main talks based around a particular theme, daily Mass, confessions, prayer time, games and recreation time.  Retreats are a great way make new friends and to supercharge your spiritual life!  



Awaken is a monthly evening event featuring Eucharistic adoration, praise and worship, confession, and prayer ministry. There is also a talk given centered around a theme. It has been an event of immense presence and healing for many students.

Did we also mention there’s plenty of food? After we are done adoring the Lord, we return to the main space and enjoy a potluck feast. Students are invited to bring a dish from their culture. The more, the merrier!


Lord Teach Us To Pray

We have come up with many names for this event, but it is rooted in this name. Lord Teach Us to Pray is a time of praise and worship where we invite the Holy Spirit to guide us in prayer. It is also rooted in a theme, hence the reason we change the name.